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„Es ist das Allergeilste, was ich je gemacht habe“
Fünf klassische Routen im Rope Soloing-Stil, insgesamt 60 Seillängen, in 16 Stunden.
Du träumst von leichten Schwüngen im Pulverschnee? Dann bist du bei mir genau richtig.
«Your Move. Your Art. Your Story.» Das ist meine Philosophie des Alpinismus.
Fünf klassische Routen im Rope Soloing-Stil, insgesamt 60 Seillängen, in 16 Stunden.
Du träumst von leichten Schwüngen im Pulverschnee? Dann bist du bei mir genau richtig.
«Your Move. Your Art. Your Story.» Das ist meine Philosophie des Alpinismus.
Das ist meine Philosophie des Alpinismus. Ich will inspirieren, dass jeder seinen eigenen weg findet. Seine eigenen Geschichten schreibt und sich dabei möglichst natürlich und
frei in der Natur bewegt.
Your Move – dynamisch mit Leichtigkeit im flow bewege ich mich durch die Bergwelt.
Your Art Die Berge, in denen wir uns bewegen, sind ein riesiges Kunstwerk. So möchte ich in meiner Bewegung ein Teil davon sein. Sei es mit einer Linie im Schnee, Eis oder
Fels. Mein Ziel ist es möglichst wenig in dieser Landschaft zu verändern.
Your Story Nach einem Tag in der Natur und dem Strahlen im Gesicht die Geschichten zu erzählen Ideen weitergeben und sich neu inspirieren lassen.
Ich bin am 14. Januar 1998 in der Ortschaft Meiringen geboren, die am Fuss verschiedener Pässe liegt und Übergänge über die umgebenden Gebirgsketten ermöglichen. Meine Familiengeschichte ist vom Bergsteigen geprägt und so wurde ich mit bereits fünf Jahren in den Klettersport eingeführt. Das war die Entdeckung meiner Leidenschaft.
Mit 12 war ich Mitglied des SAC Swiss National Climbing Teams und nahm an verschiedenen IFSC Europa Cups sowie an der Jugendweltmeisterschaft im Sportklettern teil (Lead und Boulder).
Wer Meiringen schon einmal besucht hat weiss, dass man mehr als nur touristische Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen kann. Freeriden, Skitouren, Bergsteigen, Gleitschirmfliegen und Klettern am Felsen, im Sommer wie auch im Winter, was auch immer das Herz begehrt. Mein Horizont hat sich entsprechend kontinuierlich erweitert. Die Entdeckung der grossen Felswände wie zum Beispiel die Wendenstöcke, haben die Passion für die unberührte, herausfordernde und ästhetisch reizvolle Seite des Bergsteigens geweckt. Indoor-Klettern konnte mir diese Emotionen nicht mehr geben.
Ich war etwa 15, als ich das Eis- und Mixed-Klettern entdeckte, entwickelte aber sehr schnell mit meiner Begeisterungsfähigkeit und Energie ein gutes Niveau. Ich begann, an verschiedenen internationalen Wettkämpfen teilzunehmen und 2019 konnte ich das Worldcup in Saas Fee und in Denver für mich entscheiden.
Aber auch diese Disziplin konnte mich nicht vollkommen einnehmen. Die Berge und die Natur sind so vielseitig und fordern, dass man sich in allen Dimensionen weiterentwickelt. Die Welt der Wettkämpfe, sei es im Klettersport oder im Eisklettern, ist sehr spezialisiert und eng. Die Berge dagegen sind ein riesiger abenteuerlicher Spielplatz, voller Herausforderungen und unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten. Aus diesem Grund sind Erstbegehungen oder herausfordernde Touren für mich eine gute Möglichkeit, mich als Alpinist zu testen.
Schon mein Grossvater war Bergführer und begleitete seine Gäste sicher auf die umliegenden Gipfel in unserer Region. Während sich die Berge im Klimawandel stetig ändern, versuche ich gewisse Werte und Traditionen im Umgang mit der Natur zu erhalten. Technologie hilft nur bedingt weiter. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Sportarten erfordert Alpinismus Erfahrung, Intuition und vor allem viel von unserer kostbaren Zeit. Viele Menschen haben diese Zeit nicht und Ihnen möchte ich mit meiner Erfahrung den sichersten Weg zum Gipfel zeigen.
Meine Motivation, Bergführer zu sein rührt aber auch vom Wunsch, anderen Menschen die Wunder der Natur und die Vielseitigkeit der Berge zu zeigen. Ich bin glücklich, wenn sich Gäste an einem Pulverhang erfreuen, wenn sie eine Klettertour – egal ob es ein dreier ist oder schwerer – gemeistert haben, oder wenn ich sie sicher auf einer Hochtour begleitet habe und ihr Gesicht vor Freude nur so strahlt.
Für mich ist das Erlebnis in der Natur und der Weg zum Ziel wichtig. Wir brauchen nicht nur Erfolge im Leben, sondern auch gemeinsame Erlebnisse. Am Ende des Tages soll es eine schöne und wertvolle Erfahrung und Geschichte werden.
Your move, your art, your story.
Black -White 🖤🤍
I am always happy in the snow.
The snow looks beautiful in B&W.
B&W make the mountains look majestic.
When does your season end?
#skiing #powder #snowmuchfun #neverstopskiing #seasonison #bdfamily #liveskirepeat #gloryfyunbreakable #lovelowa #placetobe #impulse104 #motherearth #homestory
Feels good to be back on climbing.
By the way note: exactly 20 years ago i started to climb more regularly.
It was and is one of the best schools for me. I was able to travel visiting many places and get to know people and cultures. Climbing always teaches me a lot about myself. Now I’m excited to see what happens in the next 20 years.
@blackdiamond Athlete Meeting in Ticino #ticinogravity #minimizeyourimpact #bdfamily
📸 @bernardo_gimenez
Hike & Fly Tour auf das Sustenhorn 4.-5. Mai 2024
Schon lange von einer geführten Hike & Fly Tour geträumt?
Bei @lars_meerstetter und @yannick_glatthard bist du in den besten Händen. Nebst alpinistischen Inputs von Yannick zeigt dir Lars die taktischen und meteorologischen Grundlagen des Fliegens in alpiner Umgebung. Wir sind sehr darauf bedacht, dich sicher in dein alpines Abenteuer zu begleiten. Wir werden das Sustenhorn auf Skiern erreichen. Je nach Schnee- und Wetterverhältnissen suchen wir für dich einen geeigneten Startplatz.
Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt? Dann melde dich jetzt an und sichere dir dein Platz.
Bis bald das Hike and Fly Team
#hikeandfly #skimountaineering #sustenhorn #tierberglihütte #flying #paragliding #switzerland🇨🇭 #haslital
Bar to Bar
With this very short weather window, we decided on a good old one-day mission.
At midnight, after a good dinner in el Chaltén, we set off towards Passo Superior.
After a breakfast in Passo Superior, the day began to dawn.
Continuing on the glacier to the start, we decided to do the Patagónicos Desesperados route instead of Whisky Time as it was less exposed to the wind.
The cracks were convincing in their own way and we liked it.
But further up it was suddenly over.
A fine glaze of ice made it difficult to make our way towards Poincenot. We abseiled down and made our way back to el Chalten.
Without a summit but happy, we reached the bar just in time for dinner.
#elchalten #climbing #granit #liveclimbrepeat #bdfamily #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #oneday
Here we go!
Winter is here and I'm on my way to Bozeman.
I am very happy about the invitation to show my Video Hall of Fame at the @bozemanicefest and teaching some clinics.
Big question: Who’s in?
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
#liveclimbrepeat #blackdiamondteam #bozeman #bozemanicefest #iceclimbing #lowateam #gloryfy #gloryfyunbreakable
It's always great to discover new routes with good friends. Climbing new cracks and just having a great time. Our new route on the Furka .
The route was named after the three of us. Glatthard, Wahli, Schild😂
More info coming soon.
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
thank you boys 🤙🏻 #climbing #crack #tradisrad #furka #liveclimbrepeat #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable
Deciphering movements and challenging and developing yourself on a 2 meter high boulder block clearly shows how little it takes. Thanks for the great day in the playground and the stylish pictures. @weissdrguggerwas What ne artist 🙏🏻
#bouldering #grimsel #haslital #grimselwelt #liveclimbrepeat #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc
The feeling of climbing everything perfectly and having full control. The 100% focus on the small foodhold or on the next crimp. This is the clean climbing on the Grimsel.
Many small lines for which it is worth to travel around the world. Thanks @grimselgrinch for the vision of clean climbing on the Grimsel.
#liveclimbrepeat #cleanclimbing #lovelowa #gloryfy #tradisrad #grimselwelt
Meet new people, climb great routes and share stories at cozy barbecue evenings.
That's exactly how the @blackdiamond athletes meeting in Val Masino was.
Besides a fun cleaning session we also talked about new products and also climbed a lot.
Thanks to all for this great vibe.
A big thanks also to @_demilloyd_ for organizing. It was a great experience.🙏🏻
📸Thank you @bernardo_gimenez for capturing this moments.
#liveclimbrepeat #blackdiamond #meet #happycrew
Four years ago I had the pleasure to win my first World Cup here in Saas fee. This day brings many memories and emotions. A big thanks to my coach, the great team and my sponsors. Thanks a lot also to my family and all friends who found the way to Saas Fee again and again.
As a routesetter this year I got a new perspective for the competition which I liked a lot.
But the idea to climb again at the competitions does not let me go. At the moment my priorities are on other very interesting projects, but who knows if there will be a com-back one day.😊
And for the momen I wish the whole swiss team all the best for today’s final in Saas Fee. 💪🏽💪🏽
📸 1 Saas fee 2019
#uiaaiceclimbing #iceclimbing #worldcup #saasfee #blackdiamond #gloryfyunbreakable #lovelowa #liveclimbrepeat
"Best of grimsel in a day"
On days when everything comes together and you are in the flow from the beginning to the end, you just feel good.
At the beginning of October I could realize a wonderful project at our home. I climbed the most famous multi-pitch routes in the Grimsel area. In short, the classics that almost everyone knows.
Because I did the project alone, I climbed all the routes rope solo.
These are the routes I count to the classics:
Motörhead 14 pitches410m 6b
Sagitarius 13 pitches 450m 6b
Fair Hands Line 10pitches 350m 6a+
Siebenschläfer + approach pitch 12 pitches 450m 6b+
Abadia 12 pitches 450m 7a
In total it would be 61 pitches & 2'110 meters but by climbing rope solo you do the work twice, it comes to a total of 94 pitches and 3'160 meters.
(The easy pitches were not climbed rope solo).
Believe me, my feet would have rather chosen another project.... 😅
The goal was to complete the project under 24 hours. But when I toped out after 16 hours at Mittagsfluh, I wasn't mad either… i mean more time to chill.🙂
Thanks @diego.schlaeppi for all the amazing pics! 📸
Movie is coming soon😉
#blackdiamond #patagonia #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc #myhaslistern #wornwear #liveclimbrepeat #grimselpass #grimselwelt #haslital #climbinginspiration #gowiththeflow #ourplanetourhome #homecragging
Discovering a new element of our nature is tremendous fun for me. Moving in the air with my new glider and trying to learn how it behaves is a very great experience.
Thanks a lot to the flight school Birdwing in Meiringen who trained me and my friends who show me the joy of flying.
Happy landings, guys!
"Your Move - Your Art - Your Story "
#climbandfly #dolomites #blackdiamond #wornwear #ultralite4
#flyozone #ourplanetourhome
enjoying the beautiful landscape and the fantastic weather with the person you love is quality time. #thankyou #thankfull
All good things, or rather peaks, are 3!
2 days ago @simu_wahli and I managed the winter ascent of the 3 Zinnen from east to west. The classics: "gelbe Kante" or the "Dibonakante" could not be missing, of course. This action was quite wintry... our feet are slowly thawing out again.
So many different conditions all the way up. Sun, shade, ice covered rock and snow... and all this in one day! Our friend the wind accompanied us also very faithfully. And that's exactly what we like about alpinism! The variety, the experience and the team spirit make the days unforgettable.
#dreizinnen #winterishere #gelbekante #dibonakante #blackdiamond #patagonia #protectourwinters #gloryfy #gloryfyunbreakable #unparallelup #myhaslistern #trainatobloc
This year, the Iceclimbing World Cup didn’t go as I wished.
In the first qualification route I unknowing touched with my right foot a zone that is forbidden for use.
The route was then only scored up to this place where the mistake happened. This is a pity, because I reached the top in a good time with a good feeling.
The Ice Climbing World Championship in Saas-Fee means a lot to me, so it's hard for me that I didn't advance. In spite of everything, I am happy about another experience that I was allowed to make and I have also noticed once again how many people are cheering and sympathizing with me. Thank you very much!
I'm glad to have good people around me who build me up again after such a situation and make me laugh.
I watched the semi-final and the final from the spectator's side and it wasn't bad either. But for sure i really want to climb again in the finals and fight for gold 🥇.
Congratulations to @loulou_ladevanture for the world title, @benjaminbosshard for the 2nd place and @tristou_ladevanture for the bronze medal!
I am also very happy about the world champion title for my teammate @petra_klingler - bravo, a great show!
The competition was cool again this year and it was a lot of fun. Unbelievable what the organizers always put on the stage. Keep it up Saas-Fee! @iceclimbingworldcupsaasfee #uiaaiceclimbing #uiaa #iceclimbing #gloryfyunbreakable #liveclimbrepeat #trainatobloc
When I smell the christmas cookies at home, I know it's time to wax my skis! Ready to shred some powder lines. ☃️🤙🏽
🍪: @michelleklee_
📸: @raphi_imsand
#snowmuchfun #liveskirepeat #cantwaitforpowderdays #gloryfyunbreakable #ptagonia #blckdiamond #protectourwinters
Last week @jonasschild and I could finish our route "Wilde Haas", 7b?, 350m, 8 SL, EXPO on the remote Westface of Gstellihorn. The goal was to use as less bolts as possible and work with mobile gear, pitons and peckers where it was possible. The first 5 pitches we boltet last year. Last Thursday we started climbing these pitches early in the morning. Arround midday we continued with bolting. At 16:00 we finished three more pitches and ended up on a pillar. Thats where the climbing part is over. Instead of rappelling down we decided to scrambling further to the top of Gstellihorn. 1.5 h later we toped out. Up there we decided to end the day with a nice ridge traverse. So we scrambled over the so called "Süd-Gruppe" to the "Gross-Engelhorn" and descended down to the Engelhorn-Hut. Finnaly after 15h of climbing we could enjoy there a beer. What a day...with many spontaneous but great decisions.
Both of us found it one of the wildest and most exposed climbs we ever did. Eventhough its not so hard graded its a very serious line and climbing 7b on-sight in alpine terrain is mandatory. Some people may think it's stupid to bolt in such a style. May be that's true but on the other hand it's also important to still have such routes in contrast to the growing number of very safe alpine climbs here in the swiss alps.
Thank's to people like @rogerschaeli @matteodellabordella @stephansiegrist and many more for the rad style of opening a route.
A special thank goes out to @jonasschild for having a badass time😉🤙🏻🤙🏻
A week in the snow!❄️
As a mountain guide I was able to support the first Red Bull Alpine camp. In addition to a great crew and super organization, we were able to spend a lot of time on the mountain in fantastic conditions.
Life is so good to us. 🤟🏻
Hope to see you all again soon. What a team 🤙🏻 🙏🏻
📸: @frederik_kalbermatten and @lorispoussin
#redbull #redbullsnow #liveclimbrepeat #zermatt #airzermatt #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #skiing #freeride #matterhorn #seasonisnotover #impulse #bdfamily #blackdiamondequipment #snowmuchfun
The start of the climbing season has been a success.
The last few days we were at the @blackdiamond Europe athletes meeting in ticino.
Being all together, talking about products and developments, sharing stories. It’s always great to see new and old friends and share some climbing moves. Thank you for that amazing event🙏🏻
#minimizeyourimpact #ticinogravity #liveclimbrepeat #bdfamily #climbing #liveclimbrepeat
See you next time 🤟🏻
Big thanks to @bernardo_gimenez for the great photos 🙏🏻📸
Magical March never disappoints ❄️❄️
#snow #powder #freerideskiing #liveskirepeat #gloryfyunbreakable #magicmarch #snowmuchfun
📸 @roybroennimann
What a privilege!
There are always days when you can be outside. Two days ago, the three of us climbed Guillotina to Guillaumet.
The conditions were pretty icy and there was still a lot of snow in the cracks. It was our plan B for the day, but it was definitely a great plan.
Now I’m curious to see how the weather will develop 😊.
#elchalten #guillaumet #sharingthepassion #climbing #granit #tradisrad #climbliverepeat #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #bdfamily
Thank you for this beautiful memory. Every day I am grateful for the development and growth as a human being. You show me again and again what life and love means and support me in everything I want to achieve. For many years and memories😘.
At 80 there will be a photo book with the best memories of our lives ❤️
And again a other lap around the sun for my beauty.
Thank you for your fun way to beautify my rounds around the sun. Love you ❤️ #cherri #belli #michi #chegger
Do you know the feeling of dreaming about something big and spending nights thinking about all the details?
My story starts in 2020, I wanted to do the Hufeisen in the Engelhörner for myself. I tried but it was not the right day.
It made me thinking over and over again. How will it feel? What time is realistic? Is the time important? Do I still know where the best climbing line is?
The time passed and I could experience many beautiful days out. Last week I mentally prepared myself for a big action. However, my rope partner became ill. And I suddenly had two days of nothing going on.
So I decided to try the Hufeisen again. With minimal clothing and equipment I started. The day looked good and I was looking for the flow. In fact, I found the flow after a few minutes and most of it worked very well.
I listened to my favorite music and climbed at the maximum of my current performance limit. I climbed and climbed until I made a short break in the gemssattel. A quick look at the clock..... only 2:20h.
This motivated me so strongly that the fatigue was immediately a bit better😊.
After another hour I reached the Gross Simeler and 30 minutes later I stood again on the terrace of the Engelhornhütte.
Hufeisen hut to hut in 3:50h I would never have dreamed of. All the more beautiful is the moment now.
I am indescribably grateful.❤️
#hufeisen #engelhörner #rosenlaui #climbing #flow #climbliverepeat #lovelowa #happybirthday #100year #lowa #gloryfy #trainatobloc
📸: @diego.schlaeppi
I am happy to present together with @diego.schlaeppi the film best of Grimsel in a day.
A big dream came true.
We would like to invite you to the official premiere in the cinema Meiringen @kino_meiringen
Besides the film we will also give insider information and raffle a great prize.
Before and after a cozy get-together with an apero.
We are looking forward to your coming.
Big thanks to @haslitalmountainfestival for organizing this event🙏🏻
#bestofgrimselinaday #climbing #solo #gettogether #meet #liveclimbrepeat #lovelowa #gloryfy #trainatobloc
Happy B - Day @lowa.outdoor
100 years 🥇 Imagine the experience behind this company.
All these projects that they have realized and how inovatively they have adapted to our needs in mountaineering.
I am very proud to be part of this team. 🙏🏻
With my favorite shoe I was able to freeclimb my very long-awaited project.
„Hall of Fame“ in Kandersteg
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
#lovelowa #simplymore #lowaboots #iceclimbing #mixedclimbing
Oh guys.. I can‘t stop smiling when I ski!
Skiing is a sport that fascinates me. The flow and the movement is a indescribable experience.
I mean, what could be better than shredding through fresh snow?
📸: @diego.schlaeppi
#liveskirepeat #readytoshred #blackdiamond #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc #lowa #powderday #skitouring #happyme #bigsmile
Voyage, voyage
Plus loin que la nuit et le jour. - desireless 🎶
Traveling always fascinates me. You visit new places, meet many people and collect countless impressions.
For example in Annot 🇫🇷 there are many beautiful things to discover.
I managed to climb the beautiful route "Le Voyage (E10, 7a)" during our trip through France.
I really like the name of this route, because for me every climbing route is connected with a journey.
Thanks to @onceuponaclimb for this dream line! And also a big thank @simu_wahli for the recommendation and @madeleine_cope for the beta sharing.
To many more unforgettable journeys in this beautiful world 🌍.
📸: @michelleklee_ 😘
#blackdiamond #liveclimbrepeat #obloc #trainatobloc #tradisrad #annot #beautifuldestinations #ourplanetourhome #wornwear #patagonia #gloryfyunbreakable
cheers to a little more wild and a lot more goosebumps moments.
Thank you @rogerschaeli_alpinist for sharing these moments with me!
#sunrise #mothernature #home #happyplace #nature #mountsineering #patagonia #blackdiamond #unparalellup #gloryfy #gloryfyunbreakable #firendship
Everyone knows it.... All of us have a favorite harness.
For example, I really like the airNET harness from @blackdiamond
It was actually developed for competitive sports. But let's be honest here at el cap the airNET also looks fantastic. It is super light and as you can see you can also attach many friends. The infinity loop is very durable and is enormously slim in design.
Climbing Golden Gate ground up in 2.5 days back 2019 with @kohlernik
Shake your harness
#airnet #liveclimbrepeat #blackdiamond
We are already a few days in the Dolimites and enjoy good food and amazing routes. Yesterday we climbed "via snowboard" and wondered how the snowboard got to this place? 😆Does anyone know?
The line "Zauberflöte" was on our program today... such a dream line!
Thanks to @simu_wahli for accompanying me. Let's see what adventures are still waiting for us!
#dolomites #iceclimbing #mixedclimbing #lifeisgood #zauberflöte #goodtimes #winter #blackdiamond #patagonia #myhaslistern #gloryfy #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc
Here we go!
@simu_wahli and I have kept the winter free to be able to realize some projects and tours together.
We started our trip in Ticino with lots of sunshine and warm temperatures.
Among other things, we tried to free climb the route „mangia ke ti passa“, but failed. This is not a big deal, because the most important thing is that we have fun, enjoy the time together and get a good beer at the end of the day! Life is so good guys!
We will spend the winter here in Switzerland and Europe and will spontaneously decide where to go next. Certainly always in the direction of good weather and good food! 😉
@blackdiamond | @patagoniaeurope | @gloryfy_unbreakable | @unparallelup |
#liveclimbrepeat #lifeisgood #climbing #ticinobouldering #unparallelup #blckdiamond #patagonia #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc
Greenspit was a line that fascinated me since childhood. It became a benchmark on
my personal climbing horizon when @didier.berthod took out the bolts in 2003 and did the first free ascent.
Four days ago I redpointed the route myself and I feel strongly connected with the whole story, to have turned my vision into reality. I am beyond stoked in the send of Greenspit.
Thanks @michelleklee_ for the film and photo support and big up to @kruderjernej for the smooth belay and the good times!
#greenspit #liveclimbrepeat #wornwear #tradisrad #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc
In balance with nature #artofrock #part1 #ourplanetourhome
Today is a really good day.
We publish our little video about the Salbit speed record.
Last October we had a perfect climbing day together and climbed the three ridges on Salbit in less than 6 hours.
The video was made by @diego.schlaeppi. It’s always so nice to hang out together 🤙🏻 thanks a lot 🙏🏻
Have fun watching it, LINK IS IN BIO😘
#salbit #uri #speed #speedclimbing #friends #salbithütte #liveclimbrepeat #mammut_swiss1862 #blackdiamond
As a young boy in my first years of climbing, I went to a bouldering camp in Ticino. I loved it and I knew that this place would stay with me for a long time.
Many great stories with friends were written there. I was able to experience great boulders, trad routes, sport climbing and paragliding.
I’m looking forward to returning to this magical place next week and writing more stories with the #bdfamily team. Looking forward to see you soon 🙏🏻
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
#blackdiamond #liveclimbrepeat
The happiness that falls from the sky and gives me the greatest joy.
Fingers crossed for an epic magic march with lots of powder❄️
#bdfamily #liveskirepeat #gloryfyunbreakable #skiing #powder #hasliberg #prayforsnow #impuls104
I’ve been dreaming about it for years and now I’m here. After arriving, we went straight to Niponino to do some climbing. Back in the village, I was able to celebrate my birthday with friends who made the day as perfect as possible. From cake to electro party and delicious food, everything was included. Thank you 🙏🏻😘.
One day later, I made myself a personal gift and climbed the Guillaumet via Fonrouge. This was a very nice experience in the spirit of laughing, dancing, singing and jumping.
#elchalten #patagoniaclimbing #liveclimbrepeat #bdfamily #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #granit
100 years birthday, what a sensation. For this big birthday they also developed the perfect running shoes for the fall H&F.
#lovelowa #lowaoutdoor
How time flies.
A year ago was "Best of Grimsel in a day".
The experience of combining all these great classic climbes on the Grimsel in one day was incredible and still pleases me a year later.
Thanks to all who made it possible. You can find the link to the movie in the bio.
A huge THANK YOU to my good friend and filmmaker @diego_schlaeppi with out you it wouldn’t be possible for me.
#bestofgrimsel #grimselwelt #haslital #granit #climbing #liveclbrepeate #gloryfyunbreakable #lowa #lovelowa #trainatobloc
What a weekend!
First, I had the opportunity to share with the young climbers of our region my experience on the mountain and this on one of my favorite tours. An old mountain guide wisdom says: At noon you have your feet under the table. So did we and therefore I could still make an enjoyable flight back to my home. But this still with a small detour @tierberglihuette .
I would say "Carpe Diem“
#climbliverepeat #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc #sacoberhasli #climbing #mountaineering #jungfrauregion #eiger #birdwing #flyozone
Winter in summer or summer in winter?
But the decisive factor is motivation and flexibility in the right conditions.
A huge privilege to experience such days with good friends
#skitouring #skiing #friends #liveskirepeat #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable #impuls #eiger #grindelwald
What happens when a photographer, a climbing legend and I spend a day together in Kandersteg in February?
Yes, they make a first ascent of „Hall of Fame“ M13.
Thank you @ron.koller.39 & @diego.schlaeppi !
Without you guys this day would not have been half as fun.
But now from the beginning.
At the end of January I saw that my big project finally looked climbable. This line is named „Hall of Fame“ and is located in Kandersteg.
I've been dreaming of this project about 8 years. The conditions were not good for a long time. But then it suddenly fit.
There is a 35m long ice candle which is 15m free hanging and a 30m long horizontal roof. For me, love at first sight.
When I went for the first attempt this February it started off well and I could climb the key pitch M13 in the 2nd attempt.
And then… my ice axe dropped down. The frustration was so big! But my arms were so tired that I was glad to be done with the climbing for today.
A week later with a lot of new energy I was ready for a second go.
We started early in the morning, Diego juggled up the fixed rope to the third belay, Ron and I climbed the M7 and the M13 to the second belay. Diego was filming the action from above and my intention this time was to top out the route as I didn't want to do the cold session to the poor guy again. After the hard pitches the most difficult part was over, or so I thought. But I was brought up quite differently.
The WI5 was hardly to protect because the ice was very thin and
in the second WI5 length the ice curtain did not come to the ground, and we reached the ice because of Rons iron shoulders. For me psychologically the most challenging thing I have ever done...😅
After another great pitch then the huge ice candle.
After two very technical M7 at the end of this dream line, I topped out. Super lucky!
Maybe this is even the most demanding mixed route in this style? Anyway, I'm happy and thankful that the necessary luck was there on this day, and everything worked out so well.
#blackdiamond #blackdiamondequipment #gloryfyunbreakable #gloryfy #lowa #lovelowa #trainatobloc #mixedclimbing #iceclimbing #halloffame #project #dreamcametrue #liveclimbrepeat
Besides climbing and mountaineering, I have found the joy of bouldering and paragliding in 2022. So I am overjoyed that I was able to experience some highlights in both sports in one valley .
In January when i visit Brione i was able to boulder *limited edition low* 8a+.
Nine months later I could fly with my paraglider over the poncione d’alnasca which was an indescribable feeling. And now at the end of the year totally unexpected I send *fuco di paglia*
What a year 🙏🏽❤️
#trainatobloc #blackdiamond #liveclimbrepeat #mondo #bouldering #brione #escapetherain #pryforsnow #lowa #lowaboots #gratfulleveryday☀️☀️☀️
It's been a long time since I posted anything.
I needed a break. A break from all the overflow of media, beautiful as well as sad posts, fake news and everything else that social media has to offer. My girlfriend and I have been talking a lot lately about the "time eater" app.
How many hours a week do you waste on Instagram because you send each other funny videos or just suck in numerous posts? I definitely spent too much time on it!
I detached Instagram and Facebook on my phone and run my accounts on a social media phone that is stationed at home. The social media phone is an older phone that has been out of use for some time, but is now back in use.
Social media is work for me, not a leisure activity like it is for many others. Work that I want to do well but also have to take my free time. Just like in the normal working day.
Since I deleted the two apps, I realize how much time you actually have in a day. Time that you should use by looking at the world, chatting with other people, listening to the birds singing, looking for 4-leaf clovers or just closing your eyes and enjoying the peace and quiet.
That's what makes life fun. Instagram gives us a lot - but also takes away a lot. Don't forget that
crazy hair, freezing wind in the air but I don‘t care✌🏾.
The good conditions are now over but I‘m looking forward to go back and give a new try on my new project!
#patagonia #blackdiamond #unpralellup #lifeclimbrepeat #trainatobloc #bouldering #project #mothernature
Dreaming about these powder days.
📸by: @giles_photo
#powpow #blackdiamond #patagonia #gloryfyunbreakable #gloryfy #protectourwintersswitzerland #nofriendsonpowderdays #lifeskirepeat
Enjoying this amazing day the best way we know.
#mixedclimbing #blackdiamond #patagonia #liveclimbrepeat #trainatobloc
It's time again. Time to obtimate the picks of my ice tools. During this fine-tuning I can concentrate on the upcoming competitions, gather ideas and give my body the rest it deserves.
A perfectly honed pick fills my body with confidence and courage.
I‘m really looking forward to the World championship in Saas-Fee.
#blackdiamod #liveclimbrepeat #iceclimbingworldcup #uiaa #saasfee #iceclimbing #uiaaiceclimbing #patagonia #gloryfy #gloryfyunbreakable #trainatobloc
My first summer as a mountain guide is approaching winter with big steps. Tired and overjoyed at the same time.
I thank all my clients for the great time we spent together. In the next year I will dedicate myself to various personal projects, which means that the available days are limited☺️. I'm looking forward to take you to some amazing places and show you some impressive glaciers or how I like it the most to climb in the best granite.
Keep it wild. Yannick
#mountainguide #guiding #bestgranite #alonealone #ourplanetourhome #acttodaychangetomorrow #climb #tradisrad #noboltsneeded #keepitwild #trainatobloc #obloc #wornwear
Back on the skis for the next few weeks.
Motivation-> high
Snow -> good
Weather -> we will see 🙏🏻
#skiing #impulse104 #liveskirepeat #gloryfyunbreakable #lovelowa #tierberglihütte
A day for the books❄️
Always be prepared for a mission with the crew.
Thanks to @diego.schlaeppi for the pictures. #
#liveskirepeat #bdfamily #gloryfyunbreakable #gloryfy #lovelowa #skiing #freeride #skiandfly #paragliding
What a privilege to travel to places like this.
A week ago I returned from a six-week trip to El Chaltén.
The start was sensational and very motivating as we were able to climb something on our project straight away. Our goals were there and we were hoping for the weather window that never came. Of course, it would have been nice if the project had worked during my first stay in Chaltén. But if every project, every first ascent, always worked, what would be the attraction and perhaps the achievement?
Anyway, we had a great time and I enjoyed every second I spent in the mountains.
Some highlights of the trip:
Developing the first third of our project.👻🤞🏻
Electro party🛸
Alone on the Guillaumet. The day is in honour of my friends...RIP❤️
Discovering a building in the middle of the forest, thinking it was a chemistry lab, but it turned out to be a hotel.😂
Once again on Guillaumet over the guillotine, I think it was my favourite mountain so far ☺️
“Plan XY” el Mocho, a new variation of the Moribito route 🤩
“Grey Yellow Arrow” el Mocho onsight/flash up to the ledge. What a great offwith😍
Sunrise on the del’S 7 hours before heading home🙏🏻
And last but not least a lot of nice talks and human beings 😘
#elchaltén #argentina🇦🇷 #climbing #friendship #peace #starship #liveclimbrepeat #lovelowa #bdfamily #lowaoutdoor #gloryfyunbreakable #🙏🏻
Let’s play again.
The game of life.
There are challenges that you can accept and win. But there are also good situations that give you something, just as there are situations that we will never understand.
If you ask me, this is my favorite game. Even if I’m not always good at it, it takes me further. But honestly, do you have to be good? What is good and bad? All I want in my game is happiness and satisfaction.
I also wish you a great game in 2024 and would be happy to meet you for a round.
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
#happynewyear #motivation #gameison #livingthedream #thankyou
Sometimes you look for something and never find it.... It was like that when I was looking for a perfect crack with wanderlust.
At some point I widened my focus and with composure searched for the perfect line. A short time later, during a great day of climbing with my girlfriend, I saw this line. What a luck to find such a crack on a wall thats already climbed thousands of times. Then to clean the line with good friends and climbing theredpoint all together.
Thank you life 🙏🏻
📸 @diego.schlaeppi 🤟🏻
#liveclimbrepeat #lovelowa #lowaoutdoor #tradisrad #furka #hanibal #crackclimbing #beautifullife #plesure
The autumn, the wind and the feeling of flying.
#ozone #ozoneparagliders #hasliberg #haslital #autumn #feelfree
Already several times I drove through the tunnel. But I have never been on the pass...
But today it finally worked and I could already climb a few world-class boulders.
*Scarry Christmas
*Homo mouse
Enjoy your time out there🤟🏻
📸 @michelleklee_
#bouldering #liveclimbrepeat #trainatobloc #gotthard #lovelowa #gloryfyunbreakable
Ski season is not over.
#liveskirepeat #gloryfyunbreakable #lovelowa #skitouring #escapetheheat #snowmuchfun @lowa.outdoor @blackdiamond @gloryfy_unbreakable
The game with gravity, the power of speed and the feeling of freedom.
Thank you life🙏🏻
📸 @diego.schlaeppi
#paragliding #lovelowa #lowaoutdoor #liveclimbrepeat #liveskirepeat #blackdiamond #blackdiamondclimbing #gloryfyunbreakable #gloryfy #ozone #ultralite4 #hasliberg #berneroberland
I am happy to announce that I am now part of the Lowa team. 🥳
Looking forward to a great collaboration with you!
#lowa #lowateam #thankfulforyoursupport #lovelowa #forthenextstep
“Stiller Haas 7c+/8a(?)” at Gstelihorn Westwand
Last week, @jonasschild and I opened a new 8-pitch route through the west face of the Gstellihorn. After three days of opening it up from the ground, we reached the crux in pitch 8. After that, the terrain flattered. Spontaneously we decided to continue to the summit. What a beautiful moment to stand together on the summit of Gstelihorn. The next day we free climbed the route. Another alpine sport climbing route with an incredible number of pitons is born…and waits for repetitions.
Abseiling is possible till the end of pitch 8, if you decide to summit Gstelihorn you have to go down the normal way.
For more info feel free to contact us. First repetition gets some beer 🍺
Special thanks to @dossenhütte for the great hospitality during these days!
#liveclimbrepeat #wornwear #climbinglife #ourplanetourhome #gloryfyunbreakable
There is probably nothing better than spending incredible powder days in winter with friends and family.
Snow not only makes you happy, but also connects you. You meet new people, enjoy life and good memories are created.
But what if there is no more snow? You can already see how the climate is changing. The conditions on some ski tours are already precarious.
I am with #protectourwintersswitzerland because winter is close to my heart and I like to take care of our planet.
Climate protection for me personally is not about doing without everything "harmful" rigorously, but to learn where you can improve what and how. Through positive communication and awareness-raising, as well as by incorporating socio-political concerns, #pow tries to strengthen the outdoor community's commitment to climate protection.
Be a part of it!
📸: @giles_photo
#teamPOW #protectourwinters #ourplanetourhome #morepowderdays #motherearth #nature #takecareofourplanet
Yeah, history in the making!
"Weg durch den Fisch" onesight in winter in a day.. what a beautiful line here in the Dolomites. 1200m of the best rock with incredible shapes 🤩
Thank you @andrea_milani97 for your support and the good times .
Sharing the success with friends is much nicer and I am so grateful that you were there guys!
I‘m looking forward to the next adventure together. #wegdurchdenfisch #marmolada #dolomites #climbing #onesight #liveclimbrepeat #wornwear #doneinanr1 #gloryfyunbreakable #gloryfy #unparallelup #trainatobloc #liveisbeautiful #protectourwintersswitzerland
Fun day out!
This week I was ice and mixed climbing for a few days with my client and friend @uliniedermair . On the #Grimsel we climbed a beautiful mixed-line, probably a first ascent. I already thought of a name for this dream line: "behind the scene".
I asked around a bit, but nobody knew anything about this route. If someone should know something, I am happy about a feedback.
The whole route has to be protected by yourself. In the 2nd pitch you will find a pecker and in the 3rd pitch a piton will be happy to see you before the travers. The abseil runs more or less along the route. At the first as well as at the third abseil point there is a yellow rope around a block.
This route was in our conditions about M6+, WI5 very worthwhile and fun!
For more information you can contact me.
Congrats Uli ! 🎉❄️
#iceclimbing #snowfun #iceicebaby #niceline #liveclimbrepeat #trainatobloc #blackdiamond #gloryfyunbreakable #patagonia #protectourwinters
Goodbye 2021!
An instructive year with many beautiful moments is soon coming to an end. I was able to experience some climbing highlights; for example the onesight ascent of Sotsura or the send of Greenspit. Of course, a big thank you to @rogerschaeli and @simongietl_alpinist . It was great fun to accompany you on the #north6 project.
Also the time with my girlfriend, family and friends made the year unforgettable!
I will spend the turn of the year this year in Saint-Léger, France 🥖🇫🇷. The climbing here is fantastic! I'm looking forward to new projects, beautiful mountain experiences and good times with friends and family in the new year.
Of course, a big thank you to my partners as well. I look forward to another year together!
@blackdiamond | @patagoniaeurope | @gloryfy_unbreakable | @unparallelup | | @heimatwerk_haslital
#hello2022 #happynewyear #liveskirepeat #liveclimbrepeat #patagonia #blackdiamond #gloryfy #unparallelup
Climbing with good friends and enjoying some time up the mountains. 🙏 #patagonia #climbing #granitlove #exploretheworld #recovery #nobolts #tradisrad #ourplanetourhome #trainatobloc
Yannick Glatthard
Obersteinstrasse 25
3860 Meiringen